Architectural and interior design services

Site Study

This important pre-design activity shall allow the client to assess the potential of the site that is being considered for development. This process will involve the architect's research skills and his/her ability to analyze the collected pertinent data.  The results of a site study would normally be presented to the client in the form of a report.

This report shall inform the client on such items as the site topography, its hydrology, its orientation, the existing vegetation, geotechnical data complete with a geotechnical report, the possible presence of hazardous substances in the soil or in the existing building(s) sitting on the site, the inherent  limitations that a legal survey would show, the vehicular accessibility, the presence of utilities and municipal services, the history of the site, the municipality's zoning bylaw requirements (height limitation, site coverage limitation, yards requirements, use limitations, parking requirements, landscaping requirements, amenities requirements, etc.). 

Where the case may be, the report shall also provide the results of inspections of existing buildings planned to be kept for intended future upgrading or modifications; furthermore, if construction drawings are available for these existing buildings, they shall be reviewed to further complement the information base accessible.